207-377-8673 M-W: 10-6 | TH: 3-8 | F/SAT: 10-3

The Bailey Library, with support from the Winthrop Library Foundation, produces and hosts the Winthrop Lakes Region Forum held in the King Event Room of the Bailey Library each month. The events focus on the arts and humanities and features a wide range of topics and speakers. The series began in the summer of 2010 and has featured artists, historians, authors, poets, and musicians from all over the world. Past guests of the series include Richard Blanco, Kate Braestrup, Susan Conley, Paul Doiron, Tess Gerritsen, Lily King, Christina Baker Kline, and Bill Roorbach. For more information please download our newsletter or call the library at 207-377-8673.

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Video Game Club (Teens & Tweens)

Tuesday, February 11 @ 3:30 PM

Free Yoga Night

Tuesday, February 11 @ 6:00 PM

Storytime with Miss Jenn!

Wednesday, February 12 @ 10:30 AM

Library Hours:

Closed Now

MON-WEDS: 10-6
TH: 3-8
FRI/SAT: 10-3