207-377-8673 M-W: 10-6 | TH: 3-8 | F/SAT: 10-3
Bailey Library Members,

The Bailey Library is closed temporarily, starting Monday, March 16. This decision follows our ongoing conversations with local health officials, the announcement that Winthrop Public Schools are closed, and the recommendations from Governor Mills. We will continue to monitor the situation and reassess as more information becomes available.

Closing the library is an extraordinarily difficult decision that we have made only because of these extraordinary circumstances. The health and safety of our patrons and staff is our first priority. Early actions to increase social distancing are the best way to contain the spread of COVID-19, according to the CDC. We feel that closing the library is the best way to protect the health of our community at this time.

While we are closed, we will carry out extra cleaning and disinfecting of the building. We will stop charging all overdue fines. Please do not return anything while we are closed.

Our professional librarians will be available during normal business hours via email to help navigate our digital lending services and resources, and to provide answers to reference questions and readers’ advisory for all the eBooks you’ll be checking out!

•Richard Fortin, specializing in access to scholarly journals, adult book and movie recommendations, accessing age-specific resources for K-12 and college students through Gale, accessing recent (one year) articles from the Kennebec Journal, accessing digital World Book content, accessing Chilton online (automotive maintenance), historical Winthrop photos, and all issues with the Bailey Library or Town of Winthrop website: rfortin@baileylibrary.org

•Nick Perry, specializing in all downloadable content with your library card (eBooks, audiobooks, movies, music), adult book and movie recommendations, and tech help (issues with tablets, smart TVs, Rokus, Kindles, email etc.): nperry@baileylibrary.org

•Stacy Tomassone, specializing in book recommendations and literacy support for grades PK-5 aged children: stomassone@baileylibrary.org

•Jenny Martinez, specializing in book recommendations and literacy support for grades 6-12 aged children: jmartinez@baileylibrary.org

We also encourage you to continue to use the Bailey Library by:
Downloading eBooks and audiobooks
Streaming movies and TV shows
Use Hoopla to download eBooks, audiobooks, and movies for all ages!
Downloading music
Take advantage of Digital Maine Library resources with your Bailey card
•Browse our website for helpful links, book lists, and resources
•Stay connected with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We will be posting on Facebook each day with helpful information, links, and conversations to keep you engaged and informed during this time.

Additionally, we also recommend the following resources free without a library card:

Scholastic’s Learn at Home website: classroommagazines.scholastic.com
Biblioboard: library.biblioboard.com, collections of e-books, classics from world literature, items from Oxford University’s Bodleian Library, articles, images, books, etc. spanning a wide range of topics.

It is important to remember that COVID-19 is not connected to race, ethnicity or nationality. Sharing accurate information from trusted sources is critical to combat misinformation.

Find reliable and up-to-date information about the outbreak from the following vetted resources:
Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention; key information from the State of Maine on COVID-19 updates, including preparation and response measures.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; updates on the federal response to COVID-19, including travel advisories and national infection numbers.
World Health Organization; information and guidance regarding the current outbreak of COVID-19, including daily situation reports with international infection numbers.

We look forward to seeing you online and in person again soon!

Richard Fortin, Director

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Maker Mondays!

Monday, May 6 @ 3:30 PM

Free Yoga Night

Tuesday, May 7 @ 6:00 PM

Writers Group

Tuesday, May 7 @ 6:00 PM

Library Hours:

Closed Now

MON-WEDS: 10-6
TH: 3-8
FRI/SAT: 10-3